
To raise up communities of faith, one family at a time.


To provide quality Christian education in a hybrid format that emphasizes discipleship,

stewardship, and citizenship in a hands-on learning environment.


To teach the next generation Freedom’s Story, empowering them to live it with Honor,

Integrity, and Love for their fellow man.


Hybrid Program

1. Essential parent/teacher partnerships

2. Quality over quantity on academic content

3. Teacher provided lesson plans and curriculum

4. A family friendly university style schedule


1. Encourage student creativity while mastering core content (Language

Arts, Math, Science, History, Modern Language)

2. Project-based STEM learning that engages the whole child (active vs.

passive learning)

3. American heritage emphasis focused on the faith and philosophy of the

founding fathers and our responsibility to it

4. Emphasize student ownership of learning resulting in strong life skills


1. Christ-centered curriculum and learning environment with a Biblical

literacy foundation.

2. Prepare students for their God-given calling through a dynamic

apologetic approach to understanding the Scriptures

3. Kingdom focused and civic minded approach to faith toward God

4. Promote Biblical stewardship of time, talents, and
